1. Please verify if there are any active transports from STMS --> import monitor
2. If yes, please delete them
3. Pls. verify if there are any active jobs causing the problems AND go to OS level and kill any tp with IDX processes using the below command
kill -9 `ps -ef | grep IDX | grep -v | cut -c10-15`
4. Please verify if there are tp temp files like /usr/sap/trans/tmp/BIQ_U.BIQ ; it will be 0 in size ; move or delete them.
5. try refresing the import queue now and proceed.
2. If yes, please delete them
3. Pls. verify if there are any active jobs causing the problems AND go to OS level and kill any tp with IDX processes using the below command
kill -9 `ps -ef | grep IDX | grep -v | cut -c10-15`
4. Please verify if there are tp temp files like /usr/sap/trans/tmp/BIQ_U.BIQ ; it will be 0 in size ; move or delete them.
5. try refresing the import queue now and proceed.